22. Dezember 2009

Importverschmelzung einer irischen Ltd. auf eine österreichische GmbH – Bescheinigung gemäß § 15 Abs 2 und Mitteilung gemäß § 15 Abs 4 EU-VerschG

Einen Teilaspekt zu einer heute in das Firmenbuch eingetragenen Importverschmelzung einer irischen Limited mit Sitz in Dublin auf eine österreichische GmbH möchte ich in diesem Beitrag schildern, da er für einschlägig Befasste von Interesse sein könnte:

Der Firmenbuchammeldung war eine Rechtmäßigkeitsbescheinigung gemäß § 15 Abs 2 EU-VerschG des High Court of Dublin mit folgendem Wortlaut (samt der deutschen Übersetzung, die ich hier aber nicht darstelle) beigefügt:

Certificate of the High Court pursuant to Regulation 13 of the European Communities (Cross-Border Mergers) Regulations 2008 (S.I. No. 157 of 2008) and Article 10(2) of Council Directive No. 2005/56/EC of the 26th Oktober 2005 conclusively attesting to the proper completion of the pre-merger acts and formalities:

Upon Petition of E** Ireland Limited, (the „Petitioner Company“), coming before the Court this day in the presence of Counsel for the Petitioner for the following reliefs:
  1. That this Honourable Court make an Order noting that this Honourable Court is satisfied that the Petitioner Company has completed properly the pre-merger requirements of the European Communities (Cross-Border Mergers) Regulations 2008
  2. That this Honourable Court issue a Certificate pursuant to Regulation 13 of the European Communities (Cross-Border Mergers) Regulations 2008 confirming that it is satisfied that the Petitioner Company has completed properly the pre-merger requirements of the Regulations
  3. Such further or other Order as made as to this Honourable Court shall seem fit

And on reading the said Petition the Affidavit of S** H** (Anmerkung: Director of E** Ireland Limited) sworn on the …. the Affidavit of S** O** (Anmerkung: Director of E** Ireland Limited) sworn on the … and the documents and exhibits referred to in said Affidavits

And on hearing said Counsel for the Petitioner

The Court doth certify that the Petitioner Company as merging company has completed properly the pre-merger requirements of the European Communities (Cross-Border Mergers) Regulations 2008 (S.I. No. 157 of 2008) within the meaning of Regulation 13 thereof for a merger with E** H** GmbH as acquiring company

And IT IS ORDERED that the Order herein constitutes a certificate of compliance with the pre-merger formalities within the meaning of Regulation 13 of the European Communities (Cross-Border Mergers) Regulations 2008 (S.I. No. 157 of 2008) and Article 10(2) of Council Directive No. 2005/56/EC of the 26th Oktober 2005

Liberty to apply

Diese Bescheinigung entspricht den Erfordernissen des § 15 Abs 2 EU-VerschG, wobei ich daraus schließe, dass das irische Registergericht die Prüfung der Ordnungsmäßigkeit der der Verschmelzung vorangehenden Formalitäten und Rechtshandlungen offensichtlich auf Grundlage von eidesstattlichen Erklärungen der Geschäftsführung und von der Gesellschaft vorgelegten Unterlagen vornimmt.

Meine Mitteilung an das Registergericht in Irland habe ich im Übrigen in deutscher und englischer Sprache verfasst, wobei die englische Version folgenden Wortlaut aufweist:

Certificate pursuant to section 15 subsection 4 of the Austrian EU Merger Act

E** H** GmbH, having its registered office at S**, is registered with FN *** at the Company Register of the Provincial Court Innsbruck as Commercial Court.

The merger by absorption of E** H** GmbH as acquiring company with E** Ireland Limited, registered with registration number *** at the Companies Registration Office Dublin, as transferring company, was registered by Order of the Provincial Court Innsbruck as Commercial Court, of 22 of December 2009, 64 Fr ****/09y.

Pursuant to section 15 subsection 4 of the Austrian EU Merger Act, the Companies Registration Office Dublin is informed that the merger by absorption of E** H** GmbH, registered with registration number FN *** at the Company Register of the Provincial Court Innsbruck as Commercial Court, as acquiring company, with E** Ireland Limited as transferring company, registered with registration number *** at the Companies Registration Office Dublin, has become effective.

A Certificate of Registration of E** H** GmbH, registered with registration number FN ***, is added to this information.

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